

工作 with your hands, channel your creativity and bring your ideas to life for a skilled, 高需求的工作. As a student in the Manufacturing Department at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, you’ll work with high-tech precision machines in a state-of-the-art facility. 学习如何使用 a 3D solid modeling system and design the parts and assemblies necessary for the products 我们在日常生活中使用. You can transition this skillset into a variety of settings, including aerospace, medical and defense industries, as well as research laboratories 定制零件制造商.

When you complete the AAS program, you will 能够:

  • demonstrate manual machining skills, grinding skills and blueprint reading skills
  • operate high-tech equipment such as CNC and electrical discharge machines
  • demonstrate computer-aided drafting, solid modeling and computer-aided manufacturing
  • 运用数学和解决问题的能力

Machinists run high-tech equipment such as lathes, milling machines and grinding machines to produce precision parts, assemblies, fixtures and tools. 他们也使用软件 to program multi-axis computer numerical controlled (CNC) machines and use sophisticated inspection equipment such as computer coordinate measuring machines to ensure the 零件符合公差和质量标准.

制造业的未来: Expanding Student Interest in 制造技术 职业生涯s

This grant-funded project is a partnership with Tri-Tech Skills Center, intended to increase the number of skilled technicians to fill high-demand manufacturing jobs by increasing enrollment and diversity in 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's 制造技术 program.


  • Provide a professional development workshop for area teachers and advisors
  • Develop a teaching tool kit for deliverying hands-on manufacturing technology lessons 在高中教室里
  • Deliver hands-on l赚ing during a three week summer academy for 50+ high school students to l赚 about safety, metallurgy, CNC and prescision measurement where students can 赚 .5个高中和5个大学学分
  • Create a clear pathway from high school to college for training in the manufacturing 行业

制造业的未来 is funded by a $289,982 grant from the 国家科学基金,项目编号1902491. The grant timeline is June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2023. 

  • Students are eligible to receive up to $1,500 per quarter during the duration of their 副学士学位或证书课程
  • The scholarship is available to students of any age who are out of work, looking to reskill, begin or continue their education and training for a STEM or high-demand 贸易
  • 适用居住要求
  • The award funding is flexible and may be used for costs beyond tuition, including 交通,食物和住房
  • 每季度接受申请
  • WSOS CTS应用 截止日期为10月22日
  • Scholarships are open to all students purusing degrees that will lead to a career 在制造业
  • 每个学生的奖金从1500美元到2500美元不等
  • 由螺母和螺栓基金会赞助
  • Scholarship funds are applied directly to tuition and fees
  • NBT奖学金申请 截止日期为9月30日

项目学习成果 for 精密机械加工

Program l赚ing outcomes are the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students will 在毕业前取得成就. The outcomes below were developed by the faculty in 精密机械加工 with input from accrediting bodies, advisory committees, employers, 等. This collaboration ensures that the outcomes are relevant for careers that this 学位导致.

项目学习成果 for the Manual Machining Technology certificate program.

Upon completion of the Manual Machining Technology certificate program, students will 能够:

  1. Maintain a safe work area by demonstrating safety knowledge and proper use of hand 工具及加工设备.
  2. Read and interpret 行业 prints, using current drawing standards in dimensioning, symbology, line-types, line-weights, and drawing notes for technical drawings (blueprints).
  3. Produce industrial 2D Technical drawings (Blueprints) and 3D models using Solid工作s Software to create models, parts, and assemblies.
  4. Demonstrate measurement processes and skills utilizing standard precision measuring instruments to ensure projects are within given specifications/tolerance.
  5. 应用 the principles and theory of manufacturing processes and basic manual machining operations using lathes, mills, drill presses, and surface grinders.
  6. 执行基本的手动车床操作(如.g.、钻孔、镗孔、滚花、车削、 cutting, and treading) within required tolerances.
  7. Perform basic manual milling machine operations (e.g.、扩孔、钻孔、镗孔、 在要求的公差范围内.
  8. Set up and operate computerized numerical control (CNC) mills and lathes (e.g.、负载 and touch off tooling and set work Zero, and load and run programs) and can identify and describe the function of the most commonly used G and M codes.
项目学习成果 for 精密机械加工 Technology AAS.

Upon completion of the 精密机械加工 Technology AAS, students will 能够:

  1. Maintain a safe work area by demonstrating safety knowledge and proper use of hand 工具及加工设备.
  2. Read and interpret 行业 prints, using current drawing standards in dimensioning, symbology, line-types, line-weights, and drawing notes for technical drawings (blueprints).
  3. Produce industrial 2D Technical drawings (blueprints) and 3D models using Solid工作s Software to create models, parts, and assemblies.
  4. Demonstrate measurement processes and skills utilizing standard precision measuring instruments to ensure projects are within given specifications/tolerance.
  5. 应用 the principles and theory of manufacturing processes and basic manual machining operations using lathes, mills, drill presses, and surface grinders.
  6. Create two-dimensional objects using computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software to generate machining tool paths.
  7. Generate Numeric Control (NC) code using G-codes to machine parts to specifications/tolerance.
  8. Set up and operate computerized numerical control (CNC) mills and lathes (e.g.、负载 and touch off tooling and set work Zero, and load and run programs) and can identify and describe the function of the most commonly used G and M codes.
