Placement Options


我们知道选择合适的英语和数学课程对你来说有多重要 to achieve your goals, and that's where we come in! We offer a variety of placement options to meet your needs.

我们现在提供在线定向自我安置(DSP)作为传统的选择 and Running Start students. This placement option is free and can be accessed anytime from any location with an internet connection!

参加在线定向自我定位的网赌正规真人实体在线平台学生,需要使用电脑 quiet space and internet connection to test can email 或致电评估中心509-547-0511预约校园免费实验室空间.  


Looking to improve your MATH placement? Your success is our priority! Students with 现在系统中的数学学生有机会参加ALEKS考试 in-person. ALEKS testing sessions are available on campus by appointment only. Call or email%20us for more information, scheduling and test day reminders.

About Directed Self-Placement

定向自我定位是一种简单的自我评估,可以随时完成, 在任何地方,帮助你决定你应该上哪门数学、阅读和英语课程 enroll. Available in English and Spanish.

Assessment times vary. 然而,为了确保你有足够的时间完成所有的评估, 我们建议你开始定向自我安置时,你至少有两个小时 focus.

There’s no time limit, so take all the time you need! You will need a score in all 三个评估领域(数学,英语和阅读),以便通过 Getting Started process.

定向自我定位的目的是衡量你目前的技能水平和 确定最好的数学和英语课程,以及潜在的阅读课程来帮助你 be successful at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台. While you do not need to prepare, you may want to review your skills using EdReady.

虽然英语和数学模块不是考试,但它们将用于分班. Take your time to read and answer each question carefully. 

如果您是网赌正规真人实体在线平台的新手,请使用您的网赌正规真人实体在线平台学生登录您的入门步骤 email and password to complete Directed Self-Placement.

Getting Started


如果你是一名准学生,并且你的分班成绩符合要求, you will be emailed a link to apply online for Running Start.

对于所有其他学生,你的成绩将进入你的学生帐户内 two to three business days. To review your placement results you will need to first log into your ctcLink account.  Once you’re logged in, return here and click on the Mobile Student Center link, click on “Academics” and select “Test Scores.”

View the Placement Results Guide 了解你的分数是如何让你进入英语、阅读和数学的.

Have questions about your placement? Our Completion Coaches are available to help you! You can view our Counseling/Advising Center page for information about making an appointment. You can also contact us in the Assessment Center for placement support.

如果你是新生、转校生或返校生,一定要有数学、英语和英语 reading placement to complete your Getting Started steps. Just log into the Getting Started portal to continue. 一旦你成功地完成了这些步骤,你就可以注册了 for your first quarter of classes at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台!

如果你是在读学生,我们建议你预约完成 Coach to interpret your results. For more information, please visit the Counseling/Advising link.

由于数学和英语部分是自我评估,所以没有必要重考 these portions. You may retake the reading portion once. There is no cooling off period, so please contact us if you want to give it a second try!

如需更正您的表格,或遇到任何技术问题,请 email%20us for assistance. We're here to help!

Yes. English & 阅读成绩自参加考试之日起两年内失效. Math scores expire after one year. We will always use your highest score to determine your placement at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台.

You may not have to take the DSP! Check out Other Placement Options below to see if you qualify for alternative placement.

Services for qualified students with disabilities are available! Students who have 记录学习和/或身体残疾,并需要要求考试便利 may contact 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Disability Support Services at 509-452-4412, by email%20或到T楼T422室报名参加分班考试.

Learn more!


Other Placement Options

There are many paths to placement. We’re here to help you understand all the different 如何为你的目标选择合适的数学、英语和/或阅读课程!

使用符合条件的智能平衡评估联盟(SBAC)分数和适用 高中英语和数学的成绩单在高中毕业后的一年 school graduation. 传真,电子邮件或带来你的成绩(你的高中辅导员) can help you get!) to the Assessment Center.

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高中学生使用有效的华盛顿州成绩单,成绩为“B”或更高 (最后一个学期)在指定的大学衔接课程的最后一年,和 谁在毕业后一年开始上大学,有资格安排到 college-level English or math. Official or unofficial transcripts can be obtained from a high school counselor or online grading system. Submit your transcripts for evaluation today!

Learn more!

ALEKS是一个强大的、基于人工智能的适应性数学评估. Through 该测试提供多达30个问题,揭示和报告的优势和 并为你的数学知识弱点提供学习工具 improving that knowledge. Available in English and Spanish.

ALEKS testing is offered on campus by appointment only. Contact the Assessment Center to schedule an appointment.

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你的SAT或ACT数学成绩可以用来绕过你安置的数学部分 test. SAT数学成绩达到520或更高,ACT数学成绩达到22或更高 you to be placed directly into college-level math courses. These scores are valid for up to two years after graduation.

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当你完成大学理事会的大学先修课程考试时,我们会授予你大学学分 with a score of three or higher. AP courses are developed by the College Board and then taught by your high school teachers.

完成国际学士学位考试的学生也可以获得学分 a score of four or higher. The IB program rigorously prepares you for a college-level liberal arts education while you are still in high school.

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提交你的官方或非官方成绩单,以及你的网赌正规真人实体在线平台 SID和电话号码, 通过以下方式评估和安排进入大学预科或大学水平的数学课程:

  • Email
  • In Person: 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Assessment Center, H Building
  • 邮寄地址:网赌正规真人实体在线平台,北20大道2600号,MS-H7,华盛顿州帕斯科99301
  • Fax: 509-544-2037

Allow up to five business days for processing. Scores expire two years after high school graduation.

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如果你之前上过一所认可的学院或大学,你应该提交 各院校官方盖章或电子成绩单. Your previously 获得的学分将通过每门课程的等效性来评估,并且可以允许 您可以绕过测试要求或某些课程先决条件.

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根据你在另一所华盛顿大学的成绩申请同等的哥伦比亚广播公司录取 Community or Technical College, please complete the Placement Reciprocity Request form.

如果您想将未过期的网赌正规真人实体在线平台分班成绩发送到其他机构, we're here to help! To start the process, submit a Placement Score Release form.

确定你的安置选择的最好方法是与我们的专家交谈 Assessment Center!


我们在这里帮助你弄清楚如何开始你的大学之旅. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 requires 所有学位和证书寻求学生完成安置在数学,阅读 和英语,或转学到符合资格的大学水平课程. Directed Self Placement 是决定数学、英语和阅读分班的主要分班模式, but there are a variety of options for placement at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台. Connect with us if you're unsure which path to placement is right for you!




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